Introduction (In)

See Where You are Going before Start: From Vision to Long-term and Short-term goals

Setting Ground (Set)

Interpersonal Skills

Self Branding and Creating Your Network

Research 101. Let's Start

Research 102. Original Article (and Brief Report)

Research 103. Letter and Case Report

Research 201. Narrative Review (and Critical Review)

Research 202. Systematic Review

Click ME for going to the systematic review outlines

Research 203. Bibliometric Review

II. A must see introduction to your research pathway: The value of a good mentor and team

III. Should you focus on a specific field ?

IV. Read a good article per day

V. How to search pubmed

1. Title will do 50% of your work

1.1 How to find and evaluate the title

1.2 Should I go for a Review or an Original article

1.3 How to collaborate in teams

2. Writing the research proposal

2.1 Search and select articles

2.2 THE sample size

2.3 Introduction and Method sections are ready

Since the different types of studies need different processes, please choose which type of article are you working on

3. Data Gathering

3.1 Deadly mistakes in data gathering !

3.2 Create an Excel Form - better than papers, safer than google form-